Jonathan Stack
Born in New York City, Jonathan spent much of his 20’s exploring the world during which time he took an interest to film.
Jonathan Stack is an Emmy Award winning and two- time Academy Award nominated documentary filmmaker. In 1991 he founded GABRIEL FILMS and has since gone on to produce over fifty films for dozens of cable channels in the US and many television partners abroad. He has released several films theatrically and shown his work at many of the major festivals including Sundance where he won the Grand Jury Prize in 1998.
While working as an independent filmmaker Stack has earned a reputation for his unique ability to gain access into forbidden and even dangerous worlds. His exclusives include, President Charles Taylor’s farewell speech to the nation of Liberia and a rare interview with David Miscaivage, head of the Church of Scientology. He has filmed inside Angola Prison over 15 years, travelled with militias in Guinea and Liberia and been to a last supper four times. He has filmed 10,000 feet below sea level and 20,000 feet above, told a few stories that took place thousands of years ago and even more stories that are happening today.

Nicolas Cuellar
Creative Director
Nicolás Cuellar has been been leading productions all over the world including TV commercials in LA, Colombia and Guatemala; Music videos in Haiti and Bogotá, Documentaries in Australia, and fashion shows in NY.
Some of this work includes a series of 40 documentaries for the UN development program in Haiti, the cooking reality show DESAFIO CULINARIO aired in Guatemalan prime-time TV and the feature documentary CAST THE FIRST STONE, winner of the Bahamas Film Festival Spirit Of Freedom Documentary & Audience Award for Best Documentary in 2013.
for more info visit: www.ncuellar.com

Silas Fischer
Born in Brazil, Silas Fischer was raised in a small New Hampshire town after he was adopted. He quickly became obsessed with filmmaking after seeing Star Wars at a very young age. He made movies with legos until helping create a film festival in his hometown. during his final years in high school, he became involved with the Canadian organization Free The Children, attending several leadership training camps in Toronto and Arizona, as well as volunteering at multiple WeDay events.
He received his Bachelor of Science in Film, primarily focusing on producing and editing. After freelancing in Orlando for a time, Silas returned to the North East to join the World Vasectomy Day in helping to create content to motivate the world to get involved in intelligent discussions about how to positively impact the future.

Kelly Adams
Production Coordinator
Kelly Adams passion rests at the intersection of media and education. She has her BA in Anthropology and Environmental Earth Science from Johns Hopkins University, where her research focused on a contemporary sacred land dispute, Navajo Nation vs. U.S. Forest Service and the translation of cosmological narratives. This interest in narrative was translated to the screen when she went to work for Culture Unplugged film festival based in India. She has worked teaching youth media in Hyderabad, India and New York City and interned with POV, StoryCorps, and Downtown Community Television Center. She recently finished her MA coursework in Culture and Media, where she made a film called One Man's Trash, following a New York City Sanitation worker who has curated a museum of found objects in East Harlem.